CPM Building Solutions - ASOS Refurbishment


CPM Contracts, Commercial Property Contractors In Leeds.

CPM Buidling Solutions built a new locker room, staff entrance to warehouse, as well as other associated works for ASOS. 

Works were cordoned off using a crowd barrier to allow safe working conditions, A New locker room was formed with a jumbo stud partition wall approx. 12.5 meters long to divide the locker room, complete with 2 new oak door at each end complete with vision panels, the existing floor tiles were removed and fully screeded, to allow new ceramic floor tiles to be installed, the architraves & skirting were replaced & walls decorated to match the existing look. There was also new steps to be formed that lead to the shop floor, extending the original complete with hand rails.

Start date: 26/07/2016
Completion Date: 04/10/2016
Working days on site: 50


CPM Building Solutions - ASOS Refurbishment project photograph

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